Infographic: Influencer Marketing and Country Differences

Understanding how influencer marketing differs from country to country is fundamental to the overall success of your marketing campaign. Not just in terms of engagement and brand perception, but also regarding campaign cost. Understanding the industry differences across countries with all key stakeholders is essential in making your influencer marketing campaigns a success.

You need to understand how each country differs, not only in terms of industry differences, but also in terms of culture. It’s not just the target audience that you need to consider, but also the influencers themselves and how ready they are to partner up with you.

This infographic breaks down everything you need to consider before you begin your next influencer marketing campaign, on a country-by-country basis.

Infographic Influencer Marketing Across Countries.png

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Influencer marketing has become an important part of global marketing strategies, but the rate of adoption across countries differs greatly. Where the US and Scandinavian countries have a mature influencer market, countries in Southern Europe aren’t yet overly familiar with the adoption of influencer marketing practices.

Working with influencers in mature markets means your target audience will generally be used to and accept influencer collaborations. The potential drawback is that there is more brand competition as well as a potential of less engagement than a younger market. Developing markets, on the other hand, could allow you to gain more brand awareness and drive a higher return on investment. On the flip side, you can’t be sure of how your target audience will respond to an influencer collaboration.

Brand Competition

So in which countries are brands really getting to work on making the most of influencer marketing? As expected, it is generally where the market is already mature and where countries are more populated, such as the UK and the US. Countries with a lower population, and thus less brand trying to target this population, there is less competition to contend with.

Knowing who and what you are up against when it comes to influencer marketing is key in ensuring that your marketing strategy stands out. By analyzing what has and hasn’t worked for your competition, you can learn from their experiences.

Does Your Audience Click?

We mean this literally. When looking at how likely your audience is to click on a link on a country-by-country basis, we can see an inverse link with market maturity.

Markets that are in their infancy with influencer marketing will be most effective in terms of making sure that the customer clicks on links being shown to them. A higher online conversion rate is something you certainly want to consider in your next influencer marketing campaign.

Influencer Availability

Not only should you consider which markets you want to influence, but also the actual influencers within those countries. A country with fewer influencers will cost you more on a one-to-one basis than a country where there are a lot of influencers.

It’s a simple matter of supply and demand. Bear in mind that within the ‘supply’ it’s not simply the overall number of influencers, but actually the number of influencers within your specific industry that influences pricing.

Looking at countries with a high number of influencers relative to their population, we can see that countries with a high population and a relatively mature market have a high number of influencers available. Scandinavian countries, despite being a mature market for influencer marketing, do not have many influencers available. This is of course due to the relatively small population of the market.

Cost Per Influencer

The higher the market maturity, the higher the average cost per influencer will be. Markets such as Scandinavia, the UK, and the US are more expensive than influencers from Southern Europe, for example.

While supply and demand do come into play here, a mature market with a lot of influencers will still be more expensive than a developing market with few influencers.

Commercial Intent

First things first, you have to take each influencer’s preferences in regards to commercial content into account. Some influencers are much more accepting of commercial styles of content regardless of their country.

In general, however, markets such as the US are happier to publish highly branded content. Influencers from Italy prefer content that better integrates the product or brand they are promoting. You have to consider these types of factors when you approach influencers with a specific strategy. Are you going for a hard cold sell or one that’s more about brand awareness and message recall? The former is likely to be rejected more often than the latter.


Regardless of which markets you choose to activate through influencer marketing, you need to understand which types of strategies work well.

Ensure that your message is clear, both in terms of visibility and call to action, that content quality is high and that the message is inspirational. Provide the consumer with content that actually engages them and offers them a solution for what they need.

International Influencer Marketing

There’s a lot to consider when setting up influencer marketing strategies for different countries. How will the market respond? How do I price my campaign for a specific market? What influencers will I be working with? And on and on.

Finding answers to these questions can be overwhelming. Luckily IMA Influencer Marketing Agency can help you out. Just reach out to us and let’s see what we can do together!

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