Why Are Mom Influencers A Conversion Goldmine?

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From tips around motherhood to the products that make their lives easier and better, mom influencers unapologetically share their lifestyles on social media to connect to and exchange information with fellow mothers. But, while mother influencers have made their personal brand around being mothers, it’s easy to forget that they are people, too, with their own passions.

For this reason, the online mom community is very unique when compared to other subcultures. What sets them apart is that their shared experience around being a mother boosts relatability and makes the relationship with one another much stronger. Their content can be niche or diverse—mixing their own interests with their children and family—which is greatly appreciated by their community, who is always on the lookout for honest conversations, and product tips and recommendations.

Because of that, mom influencers have built a carefully captivated and loyal audience, and represent a powerful resource for any brand looking to reach this target audience.

Check out why mom influencers can move the needle for your brand.

Turbocharged Personal Connections

Acquiring a brand new identity isn’t a piece of cake. New moms are usually looking to figure out their roles as mothers, while also dealing with their other roles in life, and finding a community that is going through the same process is helpful, comforting and a source of inspiration for them, which translates into stronger connections.

Mom influencers are people who are living, experiencing and feeling exactly what your target audience is living, experiencing, and feeling, and for this reason, the community relates to them on a much more personal level.

Therefore, when it comes to targeting mothers, mom influencers are your best friends. After all, they understand what moms care about because they care about the same things—and the trust, relationship and credibility they’ve built with their audience means their voices carry weight and meaning, often responsible for moving the hearts and minds of their fellow mothers.

Different Trends Target Different Moms

Regardless of the type of content that fits your brand strategy—be it more aspirational, inspirational, helpful, educational, relatable, or funny—there are mom creators for all of them, it is just a matter of finding the right ones for your target audience.

There are more mom influencers who create aspirational content, speaking to a niche of consumers who appreciate aesthetics and love to get inspired. Take the creator @aspynovard as an example, whose feeds are made up of defined color palettes and carefully curated content—something that we all look up to. Brands such as @petiteamelie, @stokkebaby, and @bugaboostrollers are popular among many of these mom influencers—Petite Amelie in particular is a favorite when it comes to nursery interiors on Instagram due to their timeless, practical and beautiful designs. 

Photo credits: @petiteamelie

Photo credits: @petiteamelie

On the other hand, there are many creators who focus more on the messiness of modern motherhood, with less refined content that speaks to a different niche of consumers, who relate to humor and content around normal daily life. 

Other moms prefer to share useful tips to educate their audience—@doctormomph for example is a first-time mom who uses her platform to share pregnancy-related medical advice and things you can learn from raising kids.

There are endless niches for every type of mother, but in any case, mom influencers play an active role in starting meaningful conversations about all the aspects of motherhood, and they create content that resonates with the diversity of their audiences. They feel real, close, authentic and relatable. 

No matter what is the approach for your brand, the sense of connection between fellow moms is unprecedented, and that is why it is such a powerful resource. They spark trust and credibility by sharing valuable information that speaks to their community.

If you’re interested in leveraging mom influencers in your marketing strategy, don’t hesitate to