Top 10 eco-friendly influencers - December's edition


The end of the decade and the start of a new one, 2020 is coming up fast. New goals are being set and people are starting to think about what they want to get out of the new year. This month’s top 10 influencers focus on influencers making a positive impact on the world we live in. With sustainability being such an important topic nowadays, why not grab some inspiration from these eco-friendly influencers to help you make a positive change to not only your year but to the planet, people and animals around you. 


1. Max La Manna (United Kingdom)


Max has a wonderful creative passion - sustainable cooking! He has not only changed his life but actually became an inspiration to thousands of people! Currently, Max is over 1,000 days of cooking with no waste and the number is growing each day! He has become an inspiration by teaching us how every bit of small help can make a big difference! Furthermore, Max actively participates in #48hourchallanges which, as you might have realized already, is spending weekends off your phone and the internet! As a media agency, we understand it is not an easy challenge, but hey - 2020! Here we come!

Instagram: 101K


2. Lauren Singer (United States)


Lauren likes to say "Trash Is For Tossers" and we completely get why. We all want to join Lauren in her #zerowaste lifetime journey and absorb some new, better habits! But where to start this amazing, challenging but incredibly inspiring journey? Lauren helps us to take the first step - she opened @packasgefreeshop where all products are sold without the use of plastic! Check out both accounts and see how easy it is to make a difference!

Instagram: 371K


3. Kate Nelson (Australia)


Kate puts a lot of effort into making the world a better place, through the emphasis on the problem of plastic in daily life and its recycling process. Since she is from Australia, the subject of oceans polluted with plastic is very important to her. "More mermaids, less plastic" became her motto but has also not forgotten other parts of the world. Not that long ago, Kate visited the Netherlands and tried to complete a shopping trip in one of the biggest supermarkets, making it an internet challenge. The challenge focused on doing groceries but only buying products that didn’t use plastic. She succeeded! If Kate can do it, we can do it too!

Instagram: 84K


4. Cristal Muniz (Brazil)


Cristal takes care of Brazil, and she does it well! She encourages her followers to change their habits, to follow a #zerowaste path and start the new year with fresh, world-changing attitudes. Sustainable cooking, DIY through using sustainable products, eco-friendly shopping, and sustainable beauty products - you can find it all on her feed! Inspiration, motivation, easy tips and tricks - go follow her and find out how to make a difference!

Instagram: 50K


5. Louisa Dellert (Germany)


The world is for us, for everyone and there is no other solution - well, besides recycling of course! Louisa suffered from a food disorder but today she does everything she can to be happy and to help people fully embrace themselves. She is an activist and a #lesswaste eco-friendly influencer. She mostly posts about being a self-loving woman with a big heart and desire to make our planet a safe place for everyone.

Instagram: 387K


6. Madeleine Darya Alizadeh (Austria)


Madeleine is loved for both her beautiful personality and her appetite to save the world. She loves nature, spending time outdoors and long walks with her 4-legged best friends. In addition, she is a founder of a sustainable, ethical fashion label @dariadeh supporting the regional Portugal market. Moreover, she talks about her sustainable living in the podcast she hosts - A Mindful Mess, perfect entertainment for long winter evenings!

Instagram: 266K


7. Nae (Switzerland)


Born and raised in Zurich, Nadine a.k.a. Nae is a plant-based and yoga enthusiast living in Zurich. Some of her favorite hobbies are photography, illustration, and filmmaking which can be seen throughout her content. She does multiple '100% vegan, cruelty-free and bio-based’-projects, which she believes are really important to share with the whole world. In addition, her YT channel used to be called “Petiteaventure” which in French means: small adventure due to the fact that she loves going on small adventures and sharing them with her followers.

Instagram: 42K | Youtube: 70K


8. Sean Lee-Davies (Hong Kong)


Artist and adventurer, Sean wants funds and awareness to be brought together in Asia to combat the trade of endangered wildlife. He, therefore, started Project C: Change which aims to combat this. He is dedicated to nature and calls himself a nature-protector with a passion for taking photos of nature. Moreover, he was the first person to open an art and virtual reality studio in Hong Kong, where he can show his content & technology for a better world. Sean is becoming “one of the most active and high-profile voices of his generation” in Asia, because of his hard work.

Instagram: 34K


9. Liv Lo Golding (Taiwan)


Henry Golding’s Wife, Liv Lo is an advocate for nature. She grew up in Taiwan and is passionate about being healthy and fit. She started her own company called ‘FitSphere' which is a fitness program for yoga and high-intensity interval training. Next to her work, she wants to raise awareness about pressing issues through launching an anti-plastic petition in Singapore. She works closely with WWF Singapore and is even being called the “Green Carpet Queen”.

Instagram: 209K


10. Carlota Bruna (Spain)


The Nutrition and Dietetics student is passionate about nature and traveling around the world. She wants to live consciously and therefore became vegan. Carlota is an environmental activist and wants to fight for animal rights. She feels connected to Earth and has respect for the world around her. According to herself, she wants to help others on their journey and to help promote love and peace. She thoroughly believes that everyone has the power to change in order to promote a better future.

Instagram: 180K